Maintaining your vision
Let your retina specialist know of any changes in your vision right away.
Normal vision
With normal vision, the Amsler grid looks like straight horizontal and vertical black lines with a dot at the center.
Normal vision (left)
With normal vision, the Amsler grid looks like straight horizontal and vertical black lines with a dot at the center
Impaired vision
With wet AMD, the grid may appear wavy with broken or distorted lines and dark, blurry areas, especially in the center.
Impaired vision (right)
With wet AMD, the grid may appear wavy with broken or distorted lines and dark, blurry areas, especially in the center
You can test your vision at home with a simple eye test called the Amsler grid.
Talk to your retina specialist if you notice missing corners, dark or blank spots, or blurry, distorted, or wavy lines.
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